I am an Assistant Professor of Coastal and Marine Climate Change at Duke University.
This is my personal website. The Wong Lab website can be viewed here:
Interested students at any level, technicians, postdocs, and collaborators are encouraged to contact me at juliet.wong@duke.edu.
Latest News

I have recently joined the faculty at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment as an assistant professor of coastal and marine climate change. My research program balances both basic and applied research projects to address major questions in climate change biology. The Wong Lab website and additional information is coming soon.

Led by our colleagues at the Cawthron Institute, we explored lipid quantification approaches in hatchery reared veliger larvae of the green-lipped mussel Perna canaliculus. This work, recently published in Aquaculture, is now available online. See Publications for more.

I had a fantastic week at the Benthic Ecology Meeting in Miami, FL. There were countless fantastic talks and posters, and it was wonderful to chat with so many amazing colleagues. I presented my work investigating the effects of the 2022 Diadema mortality event in Puerto Rico (funded by the NSF PRFB program) as well as co-presented my work with Dr. Kelcie Chiquillo in which we used an eDNA approach to investigate vertebrate biodiversity in Biscayne Bay.

We are continuing our project funded by Puerto Rico Sea Grant to investigate water quality and climate change effects on the sea urchin Diadema antillarum. This work is done in collaboration with our local partners, Sociedad Ambience Marino.